What is
pinch anatomy and how does it apply to PDO threads?
Medical illustrations or cadaver dissections generally show facial structures without changes in their anatomical structures. However, practitioners often pinch or pull the skin during patient assessment and treatment for PDO threads, which changes its original appearance. This
difference in the internal tissue through pinching or pulling is referred to as pinch anatomy.
When you pinch the tissues, the underlying blood vessels and nerves move with them. What layer of the skin and whether blood vessels and nerves are pulled upward during this process can determine if going deeper or more superficial would be the safer treatment method.
Knowing what anatomical changes occur through different methods of pinching can help minimize the risk of complications, such as blood vessel damage in the temporal area or nerve damage in the zygomatic arch area.
You can read
"Pinch Anatomy for Each Area. In: The Art and Science of Thread Lifting" by Bongcheol Kim, Seungmin Oh, and Wonsung Jung to learn more about pinch anatomy and areas where it is important.
To put things you have learned into practice, join us for one of our hands-on training sessions. For upcoming dates, please click here.
Kim B., Oh S., Jung W. (2019) Pinch Anatomy for Each Area. In: The Art and Science of Thread Lifting. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-0614-3_10
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Disclaimer: This site is intended for healthcare professionals who have received proper education on the use of cosmetic sutures. MINT™ PDO products are subject to regulation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and state and local regulatory agencies [FDA Clearance (K130191, K192423, K220549). The information on this site does not, and cannot, provide medical advice and is for general informational purposes only. If you are a patient it is important to discuss health information with your doctor. Individual results may vary. Hans Biomed’s provision of products, training, or other services to a medical provider, or the listing of a medical provider as using Hans Biomed products or services, including training, does not constitute Hans Biomed’s endorsement, representation of assurance regarding the medical provider’s qualifications, skills or experience, or affiliation. Medical providers are independent of Hans Biomed and subject to their jurisdiction’s licensing requirements. Hans Biomed assumes no liability for services provided by any medical provider. Patients are advised to independently investigate the qualifications of any medical provider. Hans Biomed provision of products, training or other services to medical providers is not intended, in any way, as the practice of medicine. Hans Biomed product information in any website, product brochure, or in response to any patient inquiry is intended for informational purposes only and makes no guarantee regarding any medical procedure. Decisions whether to use Hans Biomed’s products or their appropriateness for use should be done in consultation with one’s medical provider.
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